

We are created by God as free beings We are created by God as free beings and He has given us the capacity to be free and to make choices, but to make a choice means to give up something. As young people we  have always believed that to be free means to do what we want, but in reality, it means making sacrifices. As the common saying goes “You cannot have your cake and eat it too.” If you choose to eat it, you give up looking at it and enjoying the aroma of it, if you choose to look at it you give up eating it. When in school for example we have to agree that we cannot successfully pass exams if we have a frantic and dizzy social life. We have to give up one in order to have the other. We choose to do something; but afterwards we can neither choose nor escape the consequences of our choice, this is one of the hard facts about freedom which we have to face. Every time we make a choice, we take risks and we cannot infallibly foresee what the results of our choice will be. We are held accountable for the consequences of our choices and so we have to be prepared to be answerable and take the risks involved. Adapted from the book ‘Basic facts about freedom’ Paulines publications Africa 1996 Sr Catherine Wanza fsp  


Sr Hellen Joseph Ndiang’ui, Fsp

The word missionary commonly refers to a religious person sent to a foreign nation to evangelize the gospel to the peoples as per the mission of his or her congregation. However, it would also apply to a religious person evangelizing in his or her own country. As a Daughter of St Paul, one can either be sent to bring the good news to the people in another nation or to evangelize in her home country. My missionary experience is characterized by evangelizing both within and out of my home country Kenya. In 2006, I went to Tanzania for apostolic and community experience as a novice for three months. I was inserted in the Catholic bookshop where I carried out the apostolate. It was exciting attending to people of all walks of life including bishops, clergy, religious men and women as well as lay faithful. Time to time, I would also air radio programs on faith. Kiswahili being the official language of the country, I had to polish my Kenyan Swahili and adapt to the one of Tanzania in my communication. In 2007, after my first profession, I was sent to evangelize in Lagos, Nigeria. My main apostolate was in the bookshop and diffusion. We visited seminaries, parishes, attended conferences and any other event that would need our presence. It was always interesting to go and meet people who really appreciated our mission. I could understand well the zeal of Jesus and St Paul moving from place to place in order to draw more people closer to God. I returned to Kenya in 2010 for studies and mission. For the past twelve years, I have been involved in vocation work and animation to the young people, forming our young sisters, video production, and, carrying out diffusion in seminaries, parishes, schools and conferences. It is always my joy to see many people thirsting for the Word of God and being enriched by our materials. I am now based in the Archdiocese of Kisumu. My main apostolate is to promote and market our publications and productions. There are many opportunities here and the neighbouring dioceses for our mission. At times I am overwhelmed where to start or end. But the Lord who has given us this mission always guides us on how to go about it. I am a happy Daughter of St Paul and I am contented in carrying out the mission in my home country.  

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Sr Catherine Ocharo, Fsp

It takes the grace of God and a continuous response to His call My vocation is a gift from God.  It’s so unique and different from another person’s vocation. Why so?  Simply because my response to God’s call is unique from Sr. A’s response to her call. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how long it takes one to say a yes to following of Christ’s call in the consecrated life, but rather the daily response to this call or Yes. My experience so far is a continuous collaboration with the Lord through prayers. I ask Him questions on how he wants to lead me and this calls for my readiness to listen to Him. My family too has always supported me with prayers and by allowing me to respond to the call of Christ. As I continue to grow I realize that it takes an individual effort to remain focused in one’s call. It’s a moment of self- evaluation, time to be in touch with my creator through pondering of His Word of Life. Therefore, I encourage everyone who feels called to allow the Lord do His work and our part is to collaborate with the graces that He has put before us.

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My experience with the Daughters of St. Paul, Nairobi

Ever been in a situation where you get inside a house looking for something but can’t really figure out what it is? The feeling is just weird. You try to move your eyes all over and let your hands land on so many objects, before you finally set your eyes on the particular one you were looking for, and then you take a deep breath as your whole body experiences a momentary peace. This feeling of “thirst”, a thirst that can only be quenched by finding or coming in contact with what you’re looking for is not new. St. Augustine felt the thirst and he went on looking for something to quench it. Finally, he was quenched when he found God and as a result he wrote, “God you have made us for yourself and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” Too much analogies, right? Let me spare you that. When I stepped my feet in the compound of the Daughters’ of St .Paul, I felt fulfilled. It all began at the bookshop at the Holy Family minor basilica in the Archdiocese of Nairobi. There I met one beautiful Sister called Sr Eunice. I wondered, “This beautiful woman could have been someone’s wife and mother too, but now she’s a sister! Anyway, Jesus really deserves nothing but the best.” Back to the convent, Immediately I got into their gate I felt like, wow! this is the place I have been looking for, this is the place that left my heart thirsting and vacant for a long time. How do I describe this feeling? I bet the same way a baby feels when sleeping on its mother’s lap. This was just the beginning. Later that same evening I met my fellow aspirants: five young ladies whose names I recall vividly; Mary, Mildred, Ann, Mercy and Linet. They all looked cool, composed and ready for the retreat. However, each of them had an interesting trait that made  them unique from the rest. Mary and Mildred would laugh literally at everything, I mean everything. Ann and Mercy on the other hand, were the silent type, laughing and talking only when there was need. Then I, the talkative one, just ready to give my input on whatever discussion that came up. sometimes I feel bad about this part of me! Anyway the story about each aspirant’s character is for another day…let me say something about the sisters. It will be unfair if I don’t say anything about two friendly sisters who spent a better part of the retreat with us. Sr Catherine Wanza and Sr.Noel Lucy are probably the humblest people I have met in my life. I found the latter more interesting. I loved her vibes, there was something in her I found attractive, I don’t as yet know what it exactly was, but I bet it her simplicity and outgoing nature, humorously narrating her experiences as a missionary adds to it. Basically, each person had something unique that I admired, the smiles, the accents, the simplicity and so on. Honestly, I loved this place and its people or is it what they call, “love at first sight?” One look at the drafted program and I knew my stay was going to be more relaxed than I expected. It was not long before I left class work and two sessions a day was nothing to complain about. These were the best classes I have ever had, you know, taking a five- minutes break to listen to some music or maybe do some dancing! I love fun moments, I could be a comedian, who knows . The most interesting part of the day was in during the morning prayers just before the Mass. the aura in the chapel was heavenly, especially with the chanting of the psalms. The sisters looked so gorgeous together in their white veils and the blue habits. The environment was peaceful. I was lucky to sit next to one sister with such an angellic voice! I was lost in this beautiful atmosphere and the reality of having to leave after four days hit so badly. Anyway, I could not let that fact kill the joy of what was unfolding in me. Time literally flew and we came to the last day of the retreat. The climax was remarkable, I remember vividly the walk in the publishing department. Oh! I loved this place a big deal. As we moved from one section of the department to the next, I could not help but imagine myself in one of the them. May the grace of God be upon my desire. The next tour was at the studio. I remember telling my colleagues how we will do a radio drama if we make it together for the come and see program. That last night as we cut the cake with the sisters, the fact of leaving dawned on me. I remember feeling quite emotional. just looking at the sisters young and old, sitting together, laughing and happy having given their all to Jesus. I so deeply wished time would pass fast and I’ll be one of them. Some of them were ageing and this rang an alarm of Jesus’ words in my heart, “the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.” It was time to say something about how we got to know about the Daughters of St Paul. All my colleagues had interesting stories. I felt mine was just ordinary because a friend had told me about the sisters and I got attracted because their charism of ministering through media matched my degree programme at the university. All along I wanted to be a religious but I had not decided which congregation I wanted to join. At that moment though, I felt like it was not a mere coincidence, it was completely the plan of God to land here. Something or do I say some voice inside me whispered, “Teresia this is where you belong.” Alas! It

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Relationships is a very wide topic, I just want to share with you what I think about it, knowing that when I finish there will still be more to be said. It is a topic that arouses the curiosity of young people because they have a particular/ restricted idea about it. We will see that Friendship and relationship between boys and girls is very wide and rich. To relate with somebody is a very basic human need. Since we are all human, young and old alike we find ourselves making friends with whom we can relate and share joys, problems, interests. We are social beings and as such we need others to socialize and it has been like this since the beginning of human race. In fact we read in Genesis, “God said: it is not good that man should be alone. I will make a helpmate for him” (Gen.2:18) so it is very normal for a young man or a young woman to desire to have and keep friends. But now I would like to ask you a question: Do you know who a friend is? A friend is: A person familiar to you. A person who understands and cares for you. A person whom you like. A person who helps you and is available in moments of need. A person whom you feel at ease with, you feel happy, free with. A person with whom you wish to stay, to talk, to share, and to do many things together. You will recognize a friend in moments of need because, a friend is expected to show trust, loyalty, generosity, and concern for the other. When a person is ready to help you in spite of losing time or losing goods or may be precious opportunities in order to assist you or to be near you and to help you without taking any advantage for her/himself, that is a real friend. This kind of friendship gives to the person a lot of moral support and a sense of belonging which each human being needs very much. When we hear or read something about relationship and friendship between boys and girls, we become curious and we want to know more and more. It is a topic of special interests to young people like you. Many young people ask: How can I make the right choice of a boy or girl friend since they are so many at my disposal? To get the right friend, boy/girl, you have to be the right friend. It is important to cultivate the qualities of a good character within yourself before you look out for these qualities in another person. So it is necessary and important: Also very important is to remember that friendship is something that you build together gradually as you grow in the knowledge of one another. To go too fast, sometimes might cause a wrong choice; you need to know and to learn how to live a life of friendship with the friends of the opposite sex. Friendship between boys and girls is not something that you can buy at the market, but something that you build up little starting with very small things, gentleness, friendly gestures, effort to understand others and sharing together. Jesus called his disciples friends and he shows us what friendship means when he says: “A man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends” (Jn 15:13) So, friendship in Jesus’ mind and teaching means acting for the good of the friend. We too can be his friends if we do what he commands us (Jn 15:14) this is the ideal type of friendship and relationship that we have to aim at. Unfortunately we know that often, instead of looking to build up a good relationship and friendship, boys and girls think too much about sex. Friendship and relationship means for them that boys can have girls and girls can have boys to enjoy themselves. And they could also say: I am young and I must take advantage of this. If I feel like to have a girl, why should I deprive myself of such a pleasure if she is willing? But are we made only for this kind of pleasure? A healthy relationship is not made of self-gratification because in this way we will never be happy and satisfied. As Christian youths let us make our friendships with the opposite sex holy and keep our bodies pure for God’s dwelling. Sr Catherine Wanza, Fsp

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On Air on Capuchins TV – missions of hope program.

From left Sr Catherine Wanza fsp, Sr Deborah Lupenga fsp and the host Sr Esther Muturi during the program at Capuchin TV. Missions of Hope is a program that highlights different apostolates that are carried out by religious men and women in their quest to bring hope and transformation in the society in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Following the invitation by Sr. Esther Muturi the host of the program Missions of Hope on Capuchin TV, we were able to share our vocation stories and also create awareness of our own congregation and its mission in the Church. It was a very exiting experience for both the host and the guests as we interacted very freely in our sharing. We were able to elaborate to our audience how the Pauline charism brings transformation and hope in the world, highlighting also the power and importance of reading good and enriching books. We listed the stages of formation and also the requirements for young ladies desiring to join the Daughters of St Paul. For more information follow the link below and watch the video, “You who possess knowledge, who have intelligence and will power, a tremendous capacity to love, a spirit of self-sacrifice, a burning desire for holiness, and a consuming thirst for souls, come with confidence to the Daughters of St Paul. You can spend yourself completely in the Pauline apostolate while your horizons grow ever longer, broader and more beautiful.” (Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Daughters of St. Paul) Sr Catherine Wanza, fsp.

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Sr Caroline Muthoni Njeru, Fsp

To live a life where God may use me, at anytime and anywhere. This is one of the principle motives that attracted me to a missionary Congregation. Who installed this idea in me? When I was about six  years old, I used to admire the ‘white’ (Europeans) sisters and priests in my parish.. I was fascinated by their capacity to speak my mother tongue . I wondered how they coped and served people did not know. I thought it felt good to be far from my home country and to serve a people whom I did not know. One day I asked my mum why the missionaries were working so much; dedicating all their energy in serving people who are not their own.  Mum told me that it was because they loved God. I also admired the white complexion of the sisters. I actually thought I would turn into a ‘Muzungu’ (European) if I became a sister. When my elder brother heard about it he laughed and teased me mercilessly. He told me that even if I became a sister I would still remain ‘black’ (African). He went on to say that there were also ‘black’ sisters. I cannot tell where he got that idea from since we had not seen any African sister by then. In spite of my brother’s teasing, my admiration for the sisters did not fade out. I started also to admire their veils.  I was amused at how they wore it and covered their ears without making a knot on it. One day, I asked my Mother why the sisters always covered their ears. “so that they will not hear the evil things we speak. Sisters are holy people and they live a holy life. They work for God”, she responded. Definitely that boosted my admiration for the sisters and the desire to live a holy life where God would use me at anytime, anywhere and with anybody. When I was in Primary six, our Parish priest organized a day’s seminar for those who wanted to join religious life. I attended the seminar but more attention was granted to those who were going to high school. After class eight I joined a protestant school. My challenge during the high school education was to keep my catholic faith. The school was strictly protestant and for the few catholic to practice our faith fully was difficult. We had to join protestant service and even if a priest  came for Mass once in the blue moon , we had first to follow the school regulation of attending protestant prayers service. During my high school education, I rarely thought about joining sisterhood. Much of my energy was spent in defending my Catholic faith.  My pride was the Apostles Creed especially the words, “I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”. With the Apostles Creed and the Rosary, I always kept my stand whenever my friends tried to convert me. And when they testified to me that Jesus was their personal savior and that they had left everything to follow him, the thought of leaving everything and serving God in a place far from my home would flush in my mind. Actually in the silence of my mind I would say I wish they knew that my desire is not even to marry and have my own children but to give my whole life to Christ. Despite the struggles with my protestant friends and limited Catholic teaching in the boarding school, I did not pursue less the  idea of joining religious life. The decisive moment knocked at my door one day after form four. A friend asked me what I was thinking about my future and why I appeared calm while they were trekking everywhere and attending many interviews in search of job opportunities. I told him that I wanted to become a sister. Being a youth leader in his parish he was happy with the idea. He promised to help me find a congregation. He brought me many vocational pamphlets but most of them were on priesthood and brotherhood. Then one day the same youth leader brought me a vocational leaflet of the Daughters of St Paul. On reading it and realizing that they were missionaries working in the field of social communications. I was immediately attracted to the institute. I told myself that I loved writing and so would feel at home there. So I began to correspond with the vocational promoter though I had not seen a Daughter of St Paul till I attended a three day retreat in their convent in Nairobi. I was thrilled by the joyful welcome accorded to us and the fact that the formators who were all ‘whites’ at that time, worked, shared the same food and sat at the same table with us at meals. The interaction was homely and encouraging.  It strengthened my desire to share the joy and the love of Christ to all in great and in small way. This is my twenty Fifth year as a Daughter of St Paul. I have served at various capacities in a number of counties, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan. As vocation animator, web-designer, Book Centre administrator, student, community superior, etc. Through it all I have found joy in being with the people of God and members from various nations and tribes. I have interacted with and journeyed with people of all age groups in the community; from aspirants, young professed, to middle aged and even a bit senior. My motto is to be a sign of joy and hope to all. May it be in the Book Center, online or on digital forum, in print media, in propaganda/book exhibitions, in the interpersonal relationship, etc. To Know, Live and Give Christ to all is my call and our call as Daughters of St Paul. Would you like to Join me in this ministry? The Lord is counting on you and me.

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