It takes the grace of God and a continuous response to His call
My vocation is a gift from God. It’s so unique and different from another person’s vocation. Why so? Simply because my response to God’s call is unique from Sr. A’s response to her call. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how long it takes one to say a yes to following of Christ’s call in the consecrated life, but rather the daily response to this call or Yes.
My experience so far is a continuous collaboration with the Lord through prayers. I ask Him questions on how he wants to lead me and this calls for my readiness to listen to Him. My family too has always supported me with prayers and by allowing me to respond to the call of Christ.
As I continue to grow I realize that it takes an individual effort to remain focused in one’s call. It’s a moment of self- evaluation, time to be in touch with my creator through pondering of His Word of Life.
Therefore, I encourage everyone who feels called to allow the Lord do His work and our part is to collaborate with the graces that He has put before us.