
Sr Elizabeth Mukami, Fsp

 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mk 16:15) The joy of a missionary derives from the understanding and commitment to this invitation of Jesus. Ours is a missionary institute – Pious Society of the Daughters of St Paul. Our founder Bl. James Alberione noted, “the world is our parish”. He opened communities all over the globe. We his daughters and sons live in these communities and continue to open new ones following in his footsteps. I have been privileged to live and work in six of these nations; Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania and currently South Sudan. Often I have worked in diffusion and youth ministry for vocations, sectors in which by their nature allowed me to travel the world. Other times I worked in the book centre and served the people who visited us daily for spiritual nourishment. in either of these sectors there is joy in seeing the people’s yearning for the Word of God. After my first profession I was sent to Zambia where I lived for three years. This was a fulfilling experience especially as I began my life as a religious missionary fresh from Novitiate. I travelled extensively across Zambia; from Copperbelt to Livingstone to Kasama, with Sr Mary Moraa who was responsible for diffusion at that time. We displayed books in many parishes and schools, from kindergartens to universities. We pitched our tent at town square in Copperbelt where people from all walks of life would pass and purchase books. Other times we met our sisters from Congo at Kasumbalesa, the border of Congo and Zambia and exchanged books, they would give us French bibles and we would give them various books in English. In 2014, during the 18th AMECEA Plenary in Malawi, we crossed the border with our vehicle and stayed at the Poor Clares Monastery displaying our materials to the AMECEA delegates till the meeting was over.  After that we visited a few parishes and then returned to Zambia. When our community was eventually opened in Malawi I was sent from Lusaka to give a helping hand in arranging the books in the new bookstore which was a container. I was happy to see a dream come true, people often asked us when would go to stay fully in Malawi. As a student at Tangaza University College in 2016, I got another opportunity to work in Malawi for two months and a half during the long holidays. Malawi seems to have had a soft spot for me, after final profession I was commissioned there and indeed I was delighted. I stayed for a short time though. I was transferred to Tanzania and continued my missionary experience for about two years. Now I am in South Sudan. Missionary experience for me has been an interesting adventure with the Lord. I often asked him, “Where to this time Lord.” The secret of my joyful experience I believe is detachment and openness to the will of God. This helps in adjusting and letting  go of current plans in order to settle with ease in the new ones that the Lord presents. Missionary life is an enriching experience that cannot leave one the same. Interacting with people of different cultures, language, beliefs and practices I have come to see how ‘Big’ our God is. The Zambians will present you with their ‘Binkubala’(a type of catepillar) delicacy, the Malawians the blackjack (wild plant) as vegetables and by the time you sit around one tray scooping ‘nsima’ (Ugali) with the rest of the clan, you will have shed all your prejudices and become part of  ‘US’. It is not as easy as it sounds though. It requires courage and an unwavering faith in Jesus. Appreciating the differences in our cultures breaks down walls and we begin to share life freely. This leads to transformation. Learning the language of the people and eating their food are key elements in making an impact in their lives. I did not manage to eat the ‘Binkubalas’ but as for dishing from the same plate and blackjack and several others I managed, plus speaking the language of the people; they always appreciated the effort. A renown author wrote, “evangelization is like one beggar telling the other where he got food.” I would say as one preacher said that if you love me say it often because I forget. Missionary life is about reminding people that God loves them and He is among them no matter what they are going through or how far they have gone way from Him. This we do not necessarily with a myriad of words and promises but with a life of joyful witness among them.

Sr Elizabeth Mukami, Fsp Read More »

Sr Mary Moraa Nyang’au, Fsp

With great joy and excitement, I arrived in the community of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania for my apostolic and community experience immediately after my first profession,  towards the end of July 2000. This was to be my community for the next three and half years of the first part of my juniorate. Truly I experienced the faithfulness of the Lord in my life and I came to believe more strongly in the words that Jesus confided in the founder, “do not be afraid I am with you.” These same words became my comfort in moments of darkness and trials. In Dar Es Salaam, I worked in the bookshop, prepared weekly radio programs for Radio Tumaini, carried out vocation promotion and book displays in parishes and institutions. It was an enriching moment being the first time of living fully my consecrated life after the novitiate. It was very encouraging to see how much people appreciated our mission. After my mission in Tanzania, I was transferred to Uganda where I went to study Philosophy and theology. Apart from being a student, I participated in book displays, prepared radio programs for Radio Maria and worked in the bookshop. It was nice to have another experience in another country where people equally appreciated our mission. After my final profession in 2007, I was sent to open a new community in Juba, South Sudan together with three other sisters from Malta, Philippines and India. This was the first time I felt the challenge of language. After a few months of learning Arabic, it was easy to communicate and give hope to the people of South Sudan who had suffered in war. We together established the mission and the people were happy that they were now able to find books and bibles within their country. I lived in Juba for two years and then I got transferred to Lusaka, Zambia. In Zambia, I worked in the bookshop, carried out book displays and vocation promotion within Zambia and in Malawi for five years. It was a great experience moving from one diocese to another with books, Bibles, CDs and DVDs. Any diocese we visited, people were happy to buy whatever they needed from us and they wanted us to stay in their diocese forever which was not practical for us. Having enjoyed my mission in Lusaka, it was time again to go and start a new mission in Lilongwe Malawi with another sister. Since we had been visiting Malawi for some years from Lusaka, the people were so happy that we had finally come to stay. We started by setting up a bookshop in the sitting room and learning the local language in order to communicate with the people. Later on the bookshop was transferred from the sitting room to the container and people started visiting our bookshop to buy what they needed for their human and spiritual growth. After my short stay in Lilongwe, I was transferred to Nairobi in Kenya where I worked at the Catholic Bookshop for seven years. At the Catholic Bookshop, I met people from all parts of Kenya and beyond. Most of those who visited the bookshop showed a lot of appreciation at the diversity of the stock, while other people needed some guidelines on how to live their Catholic Faith. It was fulfilling to be of help to the people while at the Catholic Bookshop. At the moment, am back to Juba, South Sudan. I pray and hope that our presence in this nation may bring hope for a better future to the South Sudanese who have suffered a lot due to constant civil wars.

Sr Mary Moraa Nyang’au, Fsp Read More »

Sr Doris Khisa Wanyonyi, Fsp

Growing up as a little girl, I never dreamt of becoming a sister even though I interacted a lot with sisters since I studied in catholic schools run by them. My desire to become a sister was kindled when I attended a thanksgiving mass of a sister at our parish.  I went to church like any other ordinary Sunday, little did I know that it was going to be the turning point of my life. During the entrance procession to the altar, I was struck by the sight of the sister who was dressed in white habit and looked so angelic that I felt I wanted to become a sister like her. However, it was during the mass that I deeply felt the Lord was calling me to become a sister. The experience was so intense that I could not contain it and found myself crying. I immediately made up my mind that when I complete high school, I will definitely become a sister. From that time onwards, I was resolute on becoming a sister and all my thoughts and plans were focused on pursuing this noble goal. When I got home that evening, I shared my desire of becoming a sister with my mother who encouraged me but challenged me to work hard in school so as to qualify to join religious life. A year later, I completed my high school studies and excelled very well in my examination. I was very happy because I knew that I will now be able to join religious life. I applied to three different missionary congregations since I felt the desire to become a missionary sister. A week later, the vocation directress of the Daughters of St Paul replied to me. I was so excited and immediately made up my mind to follow this congregation because it was a sign for me that God wanted me to join this particular congregation. Moreover, I had studied in Christian religious education about St. Paul being a zealous missionary in evangelization of the word of God and I felt this would be a good congregation for me. Immediately I began my correspondence with the vocation promoter who helped me to know more about the life and mission of the Daughters of St. Paul in the church.  All this while, I had not yet informed my father about my desire to become a sister. Coincidentally the day that I finally gained courage to inform him of my plans was the same day he had come home with my university admission letter to pursue a course in banking and finance. After sharing with him my desire he seemed disappointed but he said if that was my heart’s desire, I can go ahead and pursue it. That was the happiest day of my life because I was granted permission to pursue my vocation in life. I continued with communication with the vocation directress and I had opportunities to attend retreats and come see program at the convent in Nairobi so as to reflect and discern better my vocation. A year later, on 09/09/2007 I was admitted to join the congregation. I began my initial formation which lasted for five years and ended with my first profession in 2012. After my first profession I worked as a missionary in Nigeria and Uganda for three years. Thereafter, I was sent to Kenya for my systematic studies in Spirituality and religious formation. After completing my studies, I was sent to Rome to prepare for my final vows and on 09/09/2018 exactly 11 years since I joined the congregation, I made my perpetual profession at my home parish, the same place where I received my calling during the thanksgiving mass. After my final profession, I worked in Nairobi Kenya for two years and later on I was sent to Zambia where I am currently working.  My experience as a Daughter of St. Paul has been wonderful because I have experienced the love and faithfulness of the Lord  throughout my vocational journey. I feel happy and fulfilled in living my Pauline vocation and mission. By carrying out our mission of evangelization  using the means of social communication we communicate the Gospel message of salvation to everyone. For me Prayer and community life have been my pillars in living my Pauline vocation and mission. Therefore, I encourage all the young women out there who feel the Lord is calling them  to religious life not to shun away but respond with faith and love to this noble vocation with the assurance that God who has planted the seed of vocation in you will accompany and sustain you in your journey up to the end.

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